ODW is working with Beaming Health to improve pediatric special needs care
Beaming Health helps families find autism care & support.
Every idea starts with a problem. Beaming's was simple: it should not be so hard for neurodiverse families to access the resources they need. ODW helped design an MVP care directory for special needs families and worked through 12+ months of product design, and market-fit hardening to release the v1 of beaminghealth.com. Eventually Beaming Health was able to fundraise with minimal dilution in a tough economic cycle and the site has continued to grow through novel product design.\
Osborn Design Works partnered with the Beaming Health team to design their brand, web application, and go to market strategy.
The goal was to develop an approachable and authoritative brand that doctors would be comfortable working with and families would trust. We started by picking out the name with domain name research, the color palette, logotype, and building the logo mark.
Beaming Health home page
We designed the MVP (minimum viable product) Beaming Health directory site in 2021 which used to for their angel round. We worked with them through 2022 to launch, and eventually raise again in 2023 with a Series A.
Web application We partnered with an offshore development team to build the Beaming Health web application powered by a completely custom react project with a provider search, unique user roadmap generation, and a clinician side dashboard.
Strategy Beaming went through many rounds of fundraising and monetization. We worked out mechanisms to ensure the platforms operability, and financial security while still advocating for the needs of the end users. Additionally we rolled out features in a HIPAA compliant manor with exhaustive documentation and technical oversight.
Today, Beaming Health is a one-stop pediatric care resource with family-first features:
Dynamic parent road map with steps to care and home-care resources
Web based autism screeners
Powerful therapy provider search
Custom provider success metrics and reviews
Provider dashboard with analytics
Contextual Scheduling UI Modals
Section from Beaming Healthcare Group website.
Beaming Health parent resources design specification.
This case study represents only a nominal portion of ODW's work with Beaming Health. If you have a question about this work or are interested in hiring ODW, please reach out.
Design brings delight
ODW helps clients succeed by building performant websites that create value through business-case integrations, analytics, and scalability.